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Хирургия простаты, терминология
Терминология инструментальной хирургии простаты

CHPP - Coagulation and heamostatic resection of the prostate
CLAP - Contact laser ablation of the prostate
NCLAP - Non-contact laser ablation of the prostate
ELAP - Endoskopic laser ablation of the prostate
IPE - Interstitial laser coagulation of the prostate
ILAP|ILIP - Interstitial laser induced prostatectomy
Nd:YAG - Neodimium: Yittrium-Alluminium-Garnet laser therapy
Hm:YAG-Holmium - < - < - < - < - < - < -
Holmium: YAG treatment of the prostate
KTP:YAG laser treatment
TULAP - Transurethal lаser ablation of the prostate
TULIP - Transurethal laser induced prostatectomy (laser
coagulation) -under ultrasound control
TUIP - Transurethal (laser) incision of the prostate
TUMT - Transurethal microwave therapy
TURP - Transurethal resection of the prostate
TRUP - - < - < - < - < -
TULBAT - Transurethal laser baloon thermotherapy of the prostate
TVP/TUVP, TUEP - Transurethal electrovaporisation of the prostate
TULP - Transurethal laser vaporisation of the prostate
TUNA - Transurethal ultra-sound-guided needle aspiratio/ablation of the
TUNA- Transurethral (radiowave) needle ablation of the prostate
TUPC - Transurethal laser photocoagulation of the prostate
VAP, EVAP - Electrovaporisation
VLAP - Visual laser ablation of the prostate
WIT - Water induced thermal therapy of prostate
TURAF- Transurethral radiofrequency ablation of the prostate
HIFU - High intensity focused ultrasound therapy
NB vaporisation - выпаривание
ablation - удаление, иссечение, деструкция, резекция

Дополнительно по данной категории

25.02.2009 - РАК КОЖИ
25.11.2008 - Доброкачественные опухоли мочеполовой системы
25.11.2008 - Опухоли почки
25.11.2008 - Нефробластома
25.11.2008 - Опухоли верхних мочевых путей
25.11.2008 - Рак мочевого пузыря
25.11.2008 - Опухоли мочеиспускательного канала
25.11.2008 - Опухоль яичка
25.11.2008 - Опухоли придатка яичка

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